

Dallas Texas Portrait Photography for Professional Headshots, Boudoir & Weddings

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Morgan Hall- Maternity





I am so excited to post this blog because this time tomorrow, My friend Morgan will be a MOM! Morgan and I grew up together and our families have been friends for as long as I can remember. This girl is so special to me and I can’t believe we are both married and having babies a month apart! Morgan is a jokester who loves to laugh and when we get together, that is pretty much all we do! I was so happy to be able to photograph her during this special time in her life!


Check out this sweet photo of Morgan and I in Middle School…. so cool, right?






Now, Enjoy her sweet baby belly!!!!




She may get mad at me for this one  but THIS….this is the Morgan laugh I remember! Classic:)

and here are our two boys, Beckham and Boston! Destined to be buddies!!!


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