

Dallas Texas Portrait Photography for Professional Headshots, Boudoir & Weddings

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Matthew + Amanda // Stone Creek Park Flower Mound TX






” Sometimes I like it when she is the big spoon!”


When Photographers see gloomy weather with dark clouds and little sprinkles of rain…. we like it! It’s the perfect day for a cozy romantic shoot and that’s just what this day was.

Amanda:”I love Matthew’s charm and charisma. He can talk to someone for five minutes and draw out what they are most passionate about. And they are excited to talk about it because he is genuinely interested and engaged. I also love that he is never afraid to be a little silly and have fun. ”

Matthew:”  I love that she laugh at my jokes and her “sincere, deep and abounding love.I value her dependability ‘Like a good power tool.’  But seriously, emotionally and practically. She does what she says and her word is good. Emotionally, She’s grounded and thoughtful and wise.

This is all a picture of marriage. 12 years together as a couple and 8 years married.  3 blessings that have added to their legacy: Amelia, Ian and Ralston.

I asked Amanda what Matthew does to make her feel safe. I am swooning over her answer:

“He likes and loves me all the time, no matter how I’m feeling about myself. He doesn’t love me based on what I’m able to accomplish or whether or not I’m giving attention to my physical appearance. The way he loves me gives me courage and confidence to love myself. And in a round about way, that makes me feel safe to just be me. ”




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