

Dallas Texas Portrait Photography for Professional Headshots, Boudoir & Weddings

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Fort Worth Mobile Spray Tans// Amber Tauzin




Boudoir Photography, Bridal

Please raise your hands if this sounds like you ” I don’t spray tan, I don’t want to be orange or get streaks everywhere!”

Let me be the first to tell you spray tans have come a LONG way and now have a large array of colors, settings and types ( alcohol free, organic, literally so many I don’t even know them all). Also, did you know many spray tan artists COME.TO.YOUR.HOME?! Can I get an amen from all those moms that can plan spray tans around nap time and not have to step foot out of your house in your bathrobe??

So, welcome to a time when you can get a spray tan, at your home, and it will look amazing.

Hiring the correct spray tan artist is KEY! We live in a world that is super dependent on reviews and many will steer clear of a product or service if the reviews are crummy.

Here’s where I introduce Amber. She comes to my home and is in and out in 12 minutes( unless we get to talking , I mean hello to that small shred of girl time amidst poop diapers and goldfish packets) and my tan is Flawless.

I would think the top criteria for hiring someone is that they are:

1.) friendly( incredibly is a bonus for me)

2.) know to respect your time and schedule

3.) affordable

4.) work is excellent


Amber is all this and so much more. I love having her spray all my Boudoir clients( who also love her btw)

If you live in the Fort Worth area, give her a call (979)799-6060 ,



and check out her work on her instagram @justaddbronze

Fort Worth weddingsFort Worth Boudoir tansFort Worth boudoir tan

affordable wedding photographer Fort Worth

Fort Worth spray tansFort Worth wedding photographer

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