

Dallas Texas Portrait Photography for Professional Headshots, Boudoir & Weddings

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Girl under tree by lake

Trinity Park Senior Session Fort Worth, TX // Kendra





Girl under tree by lake in Fort Worth Trinity Park senior sessionTrinity Park Senior Session Fort Worth, TX // Kendra

Introducing Kendra! I had such a cool time shooting this Trinity Park senior session in Fort Worth, TX. Kendra is a senior at Flower Mound high school. She is Native American, so she and her mother integrated some of their heritage into this session. They brought in sage, which is used as a sacred ceremonial herb. It is used as a purifier to drive away negative/evil influences and bad luck. It symbolizes protection and healing. Kendra and her mother smudged the sage, and they let me do so as well. It was truly such a cool and humbling experience to experience such an important part of their culture. I was honored! This senior session is definitely a memorable one. 
Girl sitting on cement next to pond in Fort Worth Trinity Park senior session
Girl standing on bridge over river Girl sitting on cement steps under tree in Fort Worth Trinity Park senior session Girl sitting on cement steps under tree in Fort Worth Trinity Park senior session BW Girl standing under bridgeGirl standing under bridge in Fort Worth Trinity Park senior session
Girl standing under bridge in Fort Worth Trinity Park senior session
BW girl standing in field with cityscape behind her in Fort Worth Trinity Park senior session Girl standing on steps under bridge Girl standing on steps under bridge
Girl standing on steps under bridge

girl on Trinity Park bridge in downtown Fort Worth senior session
girl on Trinity Park bridge in downtown Fort Worth Trinity Park senior session girl on Trinity Park bridge in downtown Fort Worth senior session girl on Trinity Park bridge in downtown Fort Worth senior session girl on Trinity Park bridge in downtown Fort Worth senior sessiongirl on Trinity Park bridge in downtown Fort Worth senior session Girl walking through park Girl walking through park Girl standing in park under tree in Fort Worth Trinity Park senior session girl on Trinity Park bridge in downtown Fort Worth senior session

BW Girl holding smoking sage bundleIt was so humbling to be part of such a sacred cultural practice. Smudging sage helps one to get centered, release negative energy and replace it with positive energy. It purifies the space around you and has healing properties. Sage symbolizes a peaceful and positive energy. To smudge, let the sage burn (don’t blow on it) and waft it onto yourself for cleansing. As you smudge, you want to think good thoughts and pray. Smudge “your mouth, to speak good things. Your eyes, to see good things. Your ears- to hear good things, and your heart-to feel good things.” The practice ends in gratitude and thanks. It truly was such a cool experience!
girl on Trinity Park bridge in downtown Fort Worth Trinity Park senior session

I am loving senior sessions on this Trinity Park Bridge! It is so stunning. Kendra’s pose, dress, and this view all say “I’m going places.” girl on Trinity Park bridge in downtown Fort Worth senior session girl on Trinity Park bridge in downtown Fort Worth senior session Girl in dress under large tree in Fort Worth Trinity Park senior session Girl in dress under large tree Close up of girl with triple pierced ears and turtle earrings

Girl in dress under large tree

Ready to book your own senior session? Let’s chat!

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